The Aurora Soccer Club is offering recreational indoor pick-up soccer at the Aurora Dome on Sundays from 10:00-11:00 am. The season goes from October 20 to April 27 (26 weeks) with no games scheduled Dec. 29 or March break. This is recreational pick-up soccer. The format is 7 aside. We ask all players to bring a white and a dark jersey each week so we can balance the teams.
The cost is $304 plus an on-line service charge bringing total to $314.12. Payment is credit card.
There is a limit of 20 players. However, we are also registering for waiting list. When required, we will call a few people from waiting list and they pay per game. The cost per game is $12 and you are required to pay a $12 fee at the time of registration, which is going to be included when you are called for your first game.